martes, 3 de julio de 2007

The Importance of Planning

Good planning is good stewardship. Success in any endeavor requires careful preparation and planning. Without proper planning and preparation, failure is almost guaranteed.

Anyone who has ever undertaken a complex task already has learned the importance of careful planning.

In sports we see many examples of the need to plan. Often this involves a "game plan." A game plan is simply a series of steps which the team must follow in order to be able to accomplish its goal of winning the game. In fact, most winning teams are able to win, because they plan to win. Losing teams are often the team that had no game plan, or a poor plan at best. Failing to plan to win is the same as planning to lose. Or put another way, "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

Good planning conserves resources, prevents wasted effort, and saves time and money. Good planning prevents small problems from becoming big problems.

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